2 июля состоялось заседание секции «Microwave Technology and Telecommunications» конференции 22th International Conference of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices (EDM 2021)). В нем было представлено 10 докладов наших сотрудников:
Георгий Ким-«Ultrashort Pulse Decomposition in Hybrid Protection Devices Based on the Cascade-Connected Modal Filter and Meander Line With Broad-Side Coupling».
Александр Демаков-«Measurement of Microcontroller Radiated Emissions at Different Operation Modes».
Жечев Евгений-«The Use of Quarter-Wave Resonators to Improve Modal Filters Performance».
Алхадж Хасан А.-«Comparing the Estimates of the Radiated Emission from a Structure with Modal Reservation by Two Approaches».
Алхадж Хасан А.-«Estimation of the Radiated Emission from a Single and Coupled Wires with Insulation above the Ground Plane».
Власова Н.-«Parametric Optimization of Shielded Multiconductor Modal Filters with Circular Cross Section».
Черникова Е.-«Multivariate Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines for Triple Modal Reservation».
Медведев А.-«Studying the Propagation of an Ultrashort Pulse in a Cable Attached to a PCB System with Modal Reservation».
Сагиева И.-«Modal Filters Based on a Microstrip Line with Overhead Conductors Grounded at Both Ends».
Онищенко И.-«Analytical Model and Software for Evaluating the Shielding Materials Properties».
Дипломом I степени награжден Алхадж Хасан А.